You’ve just looked at your calendar and between demands at work and home, you’ve got a pretty hectic schedule to navigate. Whether you’re working from home or finding your way into the office, chaotic lives can potentially lead to stress, difficulty sleeping, and many people find themselves fatigued during the workday. 

Fatigue has several symptoms including moodiness, drowsiness, loss of energy, and lack of concentration and motivation.  And of course, none of these are ideal qualities to be recognized for at your job. Fatigue not only can make you appear less personal and efficient at work but it can also pose a serious safety risk if you work in a hazardous position. Plus, long term fatigue can impact your emotional and psychological well-being. It’s important to be aware of your fatigue and, if needed, bring it to the attention of your doctor. 

To combat fatigue and cope with lifestyle factors, here are a few tips. 

Quick Energizers

Short bursts of energy can come from a variety of sources: 

Eat a snack that combines complex carbohydrates and protein.

Go on a quick walk to re-energize your entire body. 
Do mini-meditation, either using Premium or simply the Relax feature on your watch. This short two-minute session allows you to calm down and feel more in control.
Drink a glass of water. Hydration can help you feel more alert, similar to caffeine. 

Lifestyle Changes

Take an opportunity to fight fatigue long term by incorporating these healthy lifestyle changes:

Reduce your caffeine to one to two caffeinated beverages per day. Drinking the stimulant early in the day reduces energy late at night.
Save your energy for things you want to do, like playing with your kids or dancing in your kitchen. This form of physical activity will help fuel you.
Set boundaries on each of your calendars to help manage your stress regularly. 

Improve your Sleep Habits 

Generally, fatigue is caused by poor or insufficient quantity of sleep. To help improve this area of your health, aim for 7 to 8 hours per night, even if this means rearranging your schedule.  

Create a quality sleep environment through temperature control, noise levels, and lighting. 
Use Sleep features to create a target sleep schedule to wake and rest at the same time throughout the week and on the weekend.
Limit known stimulants including caffeine, alcohol, large meals, or vigorous exercise close to your bedtime. 

Disclaimer: Fatigue can be linked to an underlying medical issue, psychological condition, or sleep disorders. Consider seeing your physician to check to see if this applies to you, especially if this information does not relieve your fatigue.  

The post Feeling Fatigued at Work? Try These Tips to Stay Energized appeared first on Fitbit Blog.
